Manage time during online studying!! It’s too easy with “ISkola” Now!


ISkola gives you some advice to manage time while studying remotely

In recent times, the education system has turned to e-learning or “online education”

and it was suitable for some, and others faced some problems in managing time or keeping the focus while studying!!,

Which makes it difficult for them to receive the information.


So, “ISkola” gives you some advice to help you manage your time.

some tips to manage your time

First: your daily routine

Make a daily schedule for you, and prepare it the night before the start,

arrange tasks in order of priority and importance.

Wake up early to have time to recharge and prepare well.

Usually, forget your main meals of the day, especially when there are many tasks, 

this causes a loss of energy and a feeling of fatigue, which impedes doing important things,

so keep your main meals, especially breakfast.

If you are one of the people who overproduce at night,

put your important tasks in the night and start with the least stressful or important tasks.

It is also preferable to set fixed hours per day, meaning that you set two hours per day

to work as if you were in school or at the workplace.

select to yourself a day or two in a week as off days.

don’t spend all of your days studying, as this may distract your mind from the other tasks.


Second: create a place to study


creat place to study

Some people prefer to study in a calm atmosphere, but sometimes they may turn lazy,

especially if the place of study at home is not ready, like studying while sitting on the bed or in low lighting!

Studies said that this makes your bed not a good place to sleep or relax.

So, you must select a suitable place to study, and you must have a comfortable office and chair, with good lighting for your eyes to not affect them by harm.

And make sure you have an excellent internet connection in this place to help you do your tasks faster.


Third: Stay focused while studying

For example, put your phone in a place far from you while you are studying, to avoid losing your focus every minute.

And you must tell your family before starting, that you need to focus,

and no one disturbs you during the study, by talking to you about some matters or by entering and leaving the room many times.


Fourth: Do not multiply your tasks, or postpone it

Sometimes it is good to multitask to get it done faster, especially at work,

but it’s not a good decision at studying especially in e-learning, and it causes your production to be limited!

So, make sure every time to do one task, and make sure to complete it, then review it, and then you can move to the other,

this way helps you, especially with your total dependence on your own effort.

If you don’t have a background on how to arrange your tasks and avoid multitasking,

you can use some websites that help you arrange tasks, for example: – Todoist or Trello

There is some information that you should be aware of that will help you to avoid multitasking.

Focus on completing the assignments that have a near deadline, and avoiding assignments that have a Faraway deadline and add them to the list, so that you don’t forget them.


Fifth: Get enough sleep

sleep enough

Unusually, when the remote study system was applied recently, it was not easy for everyone to organize sleep schedules, as some felt that they were on a long vacation, and woke up late

This may cause delays in tasks, so make sure to sleep enough hours at night.

This helps you to ensure excellent productivity and performance,

helping you get your tasks done better and faster

But we also find that remote study gives you flexibility and freedom,

but it may be a difficult thing if you don’t improve its use.

 And always remember that time management is the basis for performing your tasks in a distinct and orderly manner.

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